Is a department dedicated to people with disabilities, autism and addiction at which the psychologists and psychotherapists make the diagnosis, analyze the psychological disorders that disturb the patient and then move on to therapeutic methods, psychological follow-up, and support during all sessions. 

  • Physical disability:

    This department includes a face-to-face clinical session or online according to the case of the person during which our psychologists accompany the disabled person throughout the sessions and help them accept their situation, learn to cope with their handicap and improve their self-confidence. 

  • Autism:

    The specialist evaluates the treatment taken by the autist and monitors its effectiveness, then works in parallel with the parents on the behavior strategy and presents tips and methods of communication to apply in life daily to achieve satisfactory results. 

  •  Addiction:

    After taking medical treatment, our psychologists-psychotherapists accompany and help the person to alleviate their suffering and to treat their problems addiction and dependence through individual consultations